- Name
- Olivine Fa28
- IMA name
- Fayalite-Forsterite series
- Class
- silicate mineral
- Compound type
- nesosilicate
- Comments
Newly crystalized olivine needle crystals.
Equivalent Space Group: Pbnm (62)
- Relevance
- main - major
- Arrangement
- homogeneous in multi-phases
- Mass fraction
- 0.562 ± 0.005
- Formula
- (Fe2+0.28,Mg0.72)2.SiO4
- Chemical formula
- (Fe2+)0.56(Mg)1.44SiO4
- Elemental formula
- (Fe2+)0.56 Mg1.44 Si O4
- Isotope mixture type
- terrestrial abundance
- Composition comments
- perfect solid solution - Common impurities: Mn, Ni
- Class
- silicates (09)
- Division
- nesosilicate (09.A)
- Family
- without additional anions; cations in octahedral [6] coordination (09.AC)
- Code
- 09.AC.05
- Major class
- silicates (VIII)
- Class
- nesosilicate insular SiO4 groups only (51)
- Type
- with all cations in octahedral [6] coordination (51.03)
- Group
- Olivine group (51.03.01)
- Code
- Phase type
- amorphous
- Crystal system
- amorphous
- Crystal class
- dipyramidal
- Crystal class symbol
- mmm (D2h)
- Crystal spacegroup
- Pnma
- Molar mass
- 140.69 - 203.78 g/mol
- Density
- 3.21 - 4.39 g/cm3
- Refringence type
- biaxial
- Refringence sign
- negative
- Birefringence
- 0.0330 - 0.0510
- Refraction index nα
- 1.636 - 1.824
- Refraction index nβ
- 1.65 - 1.864
- Refraction index nγ
- 1.669 - 1.875
- Color
- colorless, brown, green, yellow, yellow green, white, black
- Diaphaneity
- transparent to translucent
- Luster
- vitreous