- Name
- Na-exchanged beidellite SbId-1 size-fraction <0.1 µm
- IMA name
- Beidellite
- Class
- silicate mineral
- Compound type
- phyllosilicate
- Comments
- Beidelite has a typical hydration number of 1 - Chemical composition and molecular mass are per half unit cell
- Formula
- Chemical formula
- (Na,Ca0.5)0.3Al2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2•n(H2O)
- Elemental formula
- (Na)0.39-0.3 (Al)2.3-2.5 Mg0.1 Fe0.05 (Si)3.59-4 O12 H2
- Isotope mixture type
- terrestrial abundance
- Composition comments
- Typical formula: - Common impurities: Ti, K, Mg, Fe - Intermolecular water was not taken into account in atomic composition calculation
- Oxides
Formula Mass fraction (%) 55.03 33.76 0.32 1.92 4.14 4.81
- Class
- silicates (09)
- Division
- phyllosilicate (09.E)
- Family
- with mica sheets, composed of tetrahedral and octahedral nets (09.EC)
- Code
- 09.EC.40
- Major class
- silicates (VIII)
- Class
- phyllosilicate sheets of six-membered rings (71)
- Type
- with 2:1 clays (71.03)
- Group
- Smectite group (Dioctahedral Smectites) (71.03.01a)
- Code
- 71.03.01a.01
- Phase type
- crystalline
- Crystal system
- monoclinic
- Crystal class
- prismatic
- Crystal class symbol
- 2/m (C2h)
- Crystal spacegroup
- C2/m
- Texture
- cryptocrystalline
- Molar mass
- 374.0
- Density
- N/A
- Refringence type
- biaxial
- Refringence sign
- negative
- Birefringence
- 0.030 - 0.032
- Refraction index
- 1.494 - 1.503
- Refraction index
- 1.525 - 1.532
- Refraction index
- 1.526 - 1.533
- Dispersion V
- 0
- Color
- white, gray, reddish white, brownish white, pale yellow
- Diaphaneity
- translucent to subtranslucent
- Luster
- N/A