- Name
- Ulvospinel
- IMA name
- Ulvöspinel
- Class
- non-silicate mineral
- Compound type
- oxide-hydroxide
- Comments
assuming Magnetite-Ulvospinelle solid solution with "Ti-magnetite typically contains 15 to 22wt% Ti02"; Allen et al. 1998
Equivalent Space Group: Fd3m (227)
- Relevance
- main - major
- Arrangement
- endmember in polyphase
- Mass fraction
- 0.52 ± 0.1
- Formula
- Fe2+2TiO4
- Chemical formula
- (Fe2+)2TiO4
- Elemental formula
- (Fe2+)2 Ti O4
- Isotope mixture type
- terrestrial abundance
- Composition comments
- Common impurities: generaly magnetite (Fe2+Fe3+2O4) or pseudo brookite (TiO2)
- Oxides
Formula FeO TiO2 Mass fraction (%) 64.27 35.73
- Class
- oxides - hydroxides - arsenites (04)
- Division
- metal:oxygen = 3:4 and similar (04.B)
- Family
- with only medium-sized cations (04.BB)
- Code
- 04.BB.05
- Major class
- oxides and hydroxides (III)
- Class
- multiple oxides (07)
- Type
- (A+B++)2X4 Spinel group (07.02)
- Group
- Titanium subgroup (07.02.05)
- Code
- Phase type
- crystalline
- Crystal system
- isometric (cubic)
- Crystal class
- hexoctahedral
- Crystal class symbol
- m-3m (Oh)
- Crystal spacegroup
- Fd-3m
- Texture
- polycrystalline
- Molar mass
- 223.57 g/mol
- Density
- 4.91 g/cm3
- Refringence type
- isotropic
- Refringence sign
- no
- Birefringence
- 0
- Refraction index nα
- 2.28
- Color
- black, iron-black, brown in reflected light
- Diaphaneity
- opaque
- Luster
- metallic