Mineral phase
- IMA name
- Hedenbergite
- Class
- silicate mineral
- Compound type
- inosilicate
- Formula
- CaFe2+.[SiO3]2
- Chemical formula
- CaFe(2+)Si2O6
- Elemental formula
- Ca (Fe2+) Si2 O6
- Isotope mixture type
- terrestrial abundance
- Composition comments
- Hedenbergite name used for Ca = 90-100%, Fe = 50-100%, Mg = 0-50%
- Oxides
Formula CaO FeO SiO2 Mass fraction (%) 22.6 28.96 48.44
- Class
- silicates (09)
- Division
- inosilicate (09.D)
- Family
- with 2-periodic single chains, Si2O6; pyroxene family (09.DA)
- Code
- 09.DA.15
- Major class
- silicates (VIII)
- Class
- inosilicate single-width unbranched chains, w=1 (65)
- Type
- with chains P=2 (65.01)
- Group
- C2/c clinopyroxenes (Ca clinopyroxenes) (65.01.03a)
- Code
- 65.01.03a.02
- Phase type
- crystalline
- Crystal system
- monoclinic
- Crystal class
- prismatic
- Crystal class symbol
- 2/m (C2h)
- Crystal spacegroup
- C2/c
- Molar mass
- 248.09 g/mol
- Density
- 3.55 g/cm3
- State NTP
- solid
- Refringence type
- biaxial
- Refringence sign
- positive
- Birefringence
- 0.0180 - 0.0290
- Refraction index nα
- 1.699 - 1.739
- Refraction index nβ
- 1.705 - 1.745
- Refraction index nγ
- 1.728 - 1.757
- Dispersion V
- distinct to strong, r>v
- Pure color
- green
- Color
- brownish green, gray green, grayish black, dark green, black
- Diaphaneity
- transparent to opaque
- Luster
- vitreous