- Names
- A. Tafi
- P. Procacci
- E. Castellucci
- P.~R. Salvi
- Title
- Polar phonons in SO$_2$ single crystal
- Abstract
- The Raman spectrum of a single SO$_2$ crystal in various polarization geometries has been measured at 20 K and discussed in terms of LO and TO components of polar crystal modes. Lattice phonons have been assigned on the basis of their behaviour with polarization. Lattice dynamical calculations on both the internal and lattice phonons are in good agreement with experimental data. Using gas-phase transition dipole moments and a dipole\textemdashdipole intermolecular potential the angular dispersion of fundamental vibrons has been calculated. For lattice phonons, a combination of atom-atom and electrostatic potential reproduces not only the phonon frequencies but, for polar phonons, also their LO-TO splitting.
- Keywords
- spectroscopy, transmission spectra, Raman spectra, band position, band vibration mode, mid-IR, molecular solid, SO2
- Content
- spectral data, band list data, experimental physics
- Year
- 1991
- Journal
- Chemical Physics
- Volume
- 151
- Number
- 2
- Pages
- 205 - 217
- Document type
- article
- Publication state
- published
- Doi
- 10.1016/0301-0104(91)80102-N
- Identifiers
- bibcode: 1991CP....151..205T