MIA: Marseille Ice Analogues
About MIA
MIA is a database specialized on interstellar ice analogues spectra. It mainly encompasses mid-infrared spectra of low-temperature molecular solids. The database will contain spectra of several solid-state complex organic molecules, commercially available or not, in either pure state or diluted into water, at different temperatures. Many of these complex molecules spectra results from reactivity studies, either thermal or photo-induced reactivity, from an initial mixture of reactants.
How to cite MIA
Theulé, Patrice (2017). SSHADE/MIA: Marseille Ice Analogues. SSHADE (OSUG Data Center). Service/Database.
Who is behind MIA?
- Creators
- Theulé, Patrice (LAM / AMU, formerly PIIM)
- Scientific managers
- Theulé, Patrice (LAM / AMU - CNRS)
- Database managers
- Theulé, Patrice (LAM / AMU - CNRS)
- Organizations
- Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Laboratories
- Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (PIIM)
- Funders
- Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Programme National de Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire (PCMI)
- Sponsors
- Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure, 2015-2019 (grant #654208) (EC-H2020: EPN2020-RI)
Database content statistics
- Samples: 10
- Experiments: 5
- Spectra: 6
- Content keywords: database, spectroscopy, infrared, ices, molecular solids, low temperature, astrophysics
Links related to MIA